
Instructions for use

At first glance, the select TG looks intimidating. But it's not, here is how it works.

First, everything is categorized into groups, then further divided into tags

The choices starting with 'ALL: " are groups, and the choices starting with "TAG: " are tags.

A green light means all talkgroups within that group or tag are active, while a yellow light means only some are. So by playing with it by selecting various groups and tags, you can see this work. 

Note: when listening to Harrisonburg, Rockingham, or Page Fire-Rescue live, you must have "TAG: PATCHED TG" active (in addition to F/R, R'HAM, F/R, H'BURG, or F/R PAGE), else you will not hear much traffic.

Searching Calls:  for fire-rescue in Harrisonburg, Rockingham, and Page, you must only use the group filter, set to "ALL: HAROPA FIRE/RESCUE". This will include counties and tac channels you may not care about, but it's the only way to include both Tac channel and patched groups at this time.

YouTube video 

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